REPORTING ABUSE If you are concerned about the welfare of a child or adult at risk, do not delay in contacting the police using 999 if the child or adult is believed to be in immediate danger.It is the policy of the Catholic Church in England or Wales to report all allegations of abuse to statutory authorities, regardless of whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past, or whether the accused person is living or deceased.
If you have any concerns over any matter of safeguarding in our parish, Claire can be contacted on the following email address. SAFEGUARDING STATEMENT FROM ST. PETER'S PARISH
Our parish recognises and follows the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service (CSAS) policies and procedures. These can be found on the Diocesan website page for safeguarding under "Safeguarding Resources"
Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator can be contacted on: 0117 954 0993 SAFEGUARDING OFFICER
On the safeguarding page, links can be found for Swindon Child Protection Procedures.